East Coast In A Truck Camper?
Have you ever wondered if it's possible or even desirable to live full-time in a truck camper on the East Coast? We're going to find out together. If you don't know, I'm a Carolina boy. I've been out west for about 8 years now. I've met incredible people, made lifelong friends, had amazing adventures, and have enjoyed every second of my time spent in these beautiful Western States. But in October, I'm headed home to the land of barbecue and Bluegrass: Southern Appalachia.
Living Full-Time In An OVRLND Truck Camper
I've been living in the OVRLND camper full-time for nearly 5 months now. It's a lifestyle that keeps material possessions to a minimum but has high returns on changing scenery and time outdoors. However, in the last few weeks I found myself frequenting places I'd already been to. In an effort to shake it up I found a lake on the map that was totally new to me and decided to give it a shot.
5 OVRLND Camper Build Regrets
I've lived full-time in the OVRLND Camper for three and a half months. While the rig has been mostly great, I've noticed some chronic annoyances and even experienced a gear failure. Today, I will talk about those issues and share my solutions.
My First 2 Months In The Truck Camper
This is a Road Life series episode, meaning we'll drop the script, and I will try to give you some honest insight into what it's like living on the road full-time in a truck camper.
Insulating An OVRLND Camper
A video about the ultralight insulation and paneling I used for my OVRLD Truck Camper. I cover the products I chose, why I chose them, and how they’re installed. I am stoked with how it turned out.