Truck Camper Jon Moore Truck Camper Jon Moore

East Coast In A Truck Camper?

Have you ever wondered if it's possible or even desirable to live full-time in a truck camper on the East Coast? We're going to find out together. If you don't know, I'm a Carolina boy. I've been out west for about 8 years now. I've met incredible people, made lifelong friends, had amazing adventures, and have enjoyed every second of my time spent in these beautiful Western States. But in October, I'm headed home to the land of barbecue and Bluegrass: Southern Appalachia.

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Truck Camper Jon Moore Truck Camper Jon Moore

Living Full-Time In An OVRLND Truck Camper

I've been living in the OVRLND camper full-time for nearly 5 months now. It's a lifestyle that keeps material possessions to a minimum but has high returns on changing scenery and time outdoors. However, in the last few weeks I found myself frequenting places I'd already been to. In an effort to shake it up I found a lake on the map that was totally new to me and decided to give it a shot.

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Truck Camper Jon Moore Truck Camper Jon Moore

5 OVRLND Camper Build Regrets

I've lived full-time in the OVRLND Camper for three and a half months. While the rig has been mostly great, I've noticed some chronic annoyances and even experienced a gear failure. Today, I will talk about those issues and share my solutions.

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Truck Camper Jon Moore Truck Camper Jon Moore

Easy Camping Meal

Today, I will show you how to make a super easy chuck box stew. I'm not a professional chef, but I'm really into health and nutrition. Before we begin, I want to clarify that this post is more about a cooking method than a specific recipe. The way I make stew varies, depending on what's in season and what I can find at the grocery store.

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Truck Camper Jon Moore Truck Camper Jon Moore

The Chuck Box

The portable camp kitchen, the cooking bin, or whatever you want to call it - from morning coffee to toasted burritos- is the ultimate organizational tool for camp cooking, and I call it the Chuck box.

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Truck Camper Jon Moore Truck Camper Jon Moore

Truck Camper Electrical System

A video going over the simple power system I use to live full time in my OVRLND Truck Camper. I cover the foundation of the system - a Dakota Lithium Powerbox 135, and I talk about some of the products I chose, why, and how they’re installed. Hope you enjoy!

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Truck Camper Jon Moore Truck Camper Jon Moore

OVRLND Camper Rig Tour

A Tour of my 2016 Toyota Tacoma and OVRLND Truck Camper. In the tour I cover the truck chassis, camper, living space, cab, and gross weight. I am stoked with how the truck turned out. Stay tuned for more videos coming soon that will dive into the nitty gritty details of the everything featured!

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Truck Camper Jon Moore Truck Camper Jon Moore

OVRLND Camper Review

In hopes that it might help someone out there, I’d like to put down a description of the aluminum box on my truck and how it came to be. The truth is - I was pretty neurotic for a time; I spent hours upon hours researching and weighing the pros and cons every vehicle dwelling option I could find. Everything from slide-ins to vans and travel trailers. I compared intricacies like fuel economy, use cases, pricing, weight, and payloads. I made detailed packing lists outlining non negotiables, nice to haves, and luxuries. There were spreadsheets and notes and frankly too many restless nights for something that should’ve been an enjoyable process. It got a little out of hand.

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