A Challenging Month Full-Time In The Truck Camper
I didn't move into a truck camper full-time, thinking it would be all sunshine and rainbows. Oh no, I was expecting some challenges, and this month delivered.
Living Full-Time In An OVRLND Truck Camper
I've been living in the OVRLND camper full-time for nearly 5 months now. It's a lifestyle that keeps material possessions to a minimum but has high returns on changing scenery and time outdoors. However, in the last few weeks I found myself frequenting places I'd already been to. In an effort to shake it up I found a lake on the map that was totally new to me and decided to give it a shot.
My First 2 Months In The Truck Camper
This is a Road Life series episode, meaning we'll drop the script, and I will try to give you some honest insight into what it's like living on the road full-time in a truck camper.