Three Fly Fishing Tips For Beginners
It's only fair that I warn you that this is a hopelessly addicting sport that took hold of me in a big way. And that could happen to you, too. But if you're determined to learn, I'll give you three of my best tips in this episode that might help you along.
In this video, I am fishing with my trusty Redington Classic Trout 4wt, and I will be exclusively using one fly: the x-caddis. If you want more info on gear, watch my fly fishing gear video and then come back.
Two Weeks Fly Fishing The West
A wise man once said, measure fishing trip success not by the fish you catch but by the strength of your wading sock tan.
The Road to Fish is Washboard Gravel
I glance over to the dash clock. 12:42pm; we’re getting into the heat of the high desert afternoon now. Another bump in the gravel road jars the truck…